How Does Gear Normalization Work in the Division UPDATED

How Does Gear Normalization Work in the Division

When Tom Clancy'southward The Segmentation launched back in March of 2016, the focus of the game was conspicuously on the cooperative online. Players took on the part of agents in the fictional Strategic Homeland Division, post-obit a worldwide viral outbreak. Lone or with friends, you set up out into the snowy wilderness of a ruined New York to help bring it back from its descent into chaos.

Most of The Sectionalization's Manhattan map was given over to histrion vs. environment (PvE) play, while thespian vs. actor (PvP) combat was relegated to a single region: The Dark Zone. You would dive into this no man's land fighting against other players for survival and the best loot. Once y'all picked up any loot, yous still had to excerpt it to fully have control, and the extraction procedure was like painting a giant bullseye on you lot and your team. The Dark Zone started as a gratis-for-all feel: kill or be killed, with the most geared players taking the prize.

Eventually, Ubisoft added more than construction to the Dark Zone with Supply Drops, World Tiers, Contamination Events, and more than. Despite the additions, The Sectionalization's PvP couldn't escape those poor first impressions that the Dark Zone was a region of griefers, and structured PvP simply a band-aid. With The Segmentation two, Ubisoft is prepared to finally deliver a more robust PvP experience at launch.

The Sectionalisation ii is moving abroad from Manhattan in the Winter, taking place 7 months afterwards the kickoff game in Washington, D.C. In D.C., the outbreak hitting difficult, but civilians and raiders are outset to find a new sort of normalcy. Landmarks are overgrown with plant life in some regions, while others were reclaimed by swamps. With the new map, Ubisoft has rethought things and is giving PvP an equal focus to PvE.

"Nosotros were very fortunate that PvP was a master colonnade of development this time around. Every bit a studio who's always prided itself on PvP, it hurt u.s.a. inside that we couldn't make custom maps for the original game. Being able to do that this time, [we were able to] really agonize and massage those maps to accept the sightlines and flow that we want. When I remember most a great PvP experience, I recollect about a multitude of options and now we have a place to put all of those options in postal service-launch," says The Division two creative manager Terry Spier in an interview with USG.

While The Division had a single Night Zone region in the center of the map, The Partitioning 2 will offer iii Dark Zones. They're located at the corners of The Partitioning ii'south downtown DC map, and each Dark Zone is meant to provide players with visual and gameplay diverseness. Each one is also preceded by an introductory PvE mission, which is there to acclimate the player in the environment and explicate that region's story. This volition also give PvE-merely players a chance to explore the landmarks of each region safely, before the real Dark Zone begins.

Dark Zone Due east is located at the Uppercase Train Station, where the military set upwardly store originally. This region is made with open up sightlines for long-range play. Dark Zone South is at the DC Waterfront, which has seen the nearly overgrowth and new life. Information technology'south comprised of a large interior space with a lot of close gainsay, acting as an indoor jungle. Finally, Dark Zone West takes place in the formerly affluent area of Georgetown, and the lifeless alleys requite themselves over to medium-range gainsay.

"We've been very sensitive to the level design in each ane. The biomes were so important because the stories were so important for us. That'southward non to say that Nighttime Zone South, with its heavy interiors, still tin't support long-range gameplay. It'south just more than likely that a long-range shooter volition have more success in Nighttime Zone East," says Spier.

An agent is near to go Rogue in Dark Zone E. | Ubisoft.

The new Dark Zones will also split the departure between cooperative and competitive play, offering PvEvP. Rogue Status, which marked players that killed others within the Dark Zone in the first game, at present has new status levels focused effectually not-PVP actions, like stealing and looting. By adding more PvE play and better loot to the Dark Zone, Ubisoft hopes that PvE players might be more than willing to engage in these primarily PvP regions.

"The Rogue loop was limited in the original game. I love being a bad guy, but nobody tin be a bad guy without PvP in the original game. Aye, the hope is that we innovate more than PvE players into the [Nighttime Zone] and they discover out they similar PvP a little bit. And if I'grand being super honest with yous, the PvPers demand people to hunt," Spier tells us.

The new Rogue loop has several levels. At the everyman level, if y'all run into a lockbox and you don't have a key to open up it, you can choose to suspension the lock. Alternatively, you tin can accept the unabridged contents of a Supply Driblet for yourself. Either action volition marker you Rogue at the lowest level, making you vulnerable to PvP combat. Simply on the other manus, it opens upwardly Rogue rewards like a Dark Zone vendor. Killing whatsoever other actor sends yous upward to the Disavowed level, and if y'all keep your killing spree going, you'll eventually exist flagged equally Manhunt. Players engaged in hostile actions will blip on the map, showing their location to others.

Spier notes that the gates at each Night Zone gate at present have automatic turrets that will cut downwards players at the higher levels of Rogue Condition. "Checkpoint camping was a big challenge that we faced in the original game, so nosotros've added turrets at each gate that volition target and eliminate whatever Rogue histrion when they get as well close. I watched a lot of players that were experimenting with Rogue gameplay get crushed, then I'd definitely like to improve some signs and feedback there," he says. Rampant murderers beware!

There are nonetheless PvE actions you can undertake in the Dark Zones. | Ubisoft.

I admit that I only played the Night Zone twice in my time with the first Division, for the reasons Spier lists in a higher place. I just have niggling involvement in costless-for-all PvP outside of the more structured play of something deathmatch or battle royale. Going deep into the Night Zone and gaining some potentially absurd loot was immediately undercut by the cognition that a team was camping ground one of the extraction checkpoints. The new Dark Zone retains the temper of the original, particularly in team play, considering you lot never know when one of your ain will undertake a Rogue activity. Despite that, the ability to relish PvE in the Dark Zone region-Dark Zone East for our demo-and flip over whenever you desire presents options. Mayhap it'south considering my demo character wasn't my character, but I actually enjoyed hunting down Disavowed and Manhunt players.

Night Zone PvP features a host of other improvements outside of the construction. Voice chat will get disabled automatically if you get into a fight with hostile players, preventing the angry and toxic commentary that could escalate chop-chop. Anti-cheat has been improved, and the customer-server compages has been shifted towards server side, preventing some client-side tampering. The overall server counts have too increased on Ubisoft'due south side.

Normalization is also a part of the Night Zone this time around. Ubisoft understands that the movement might be controversial to parts of the community, merely the developers felt that excessive progression impacted a sense of fair play in the starting time The Partition. Someone who's been playing the game longer should be stronger, but not and then potent that the fight is over at the moment of appointment. Build choices volition remain, but gear stats will be normalized based on Globe Tier, and the furnishings of normalization will exist readily apparent in your character carte.

Opening the doors to Dark Zone South. | Ubisoft.

"So let's only say for example-and this is simply an example-we normalize to World Tier 2. If you lot were above World Tier 2, getting gear at World Tier 4, you're going to be more powerful than a person who comes in at World Tier i and gets normalized. So you will have a statistical advantage, albeit minute, merely information technology's present. So that'due south been our approach," says Spier. "I'll exist honest, information technology'south been a claiming. I think the stop consequence is worth it, being able to make sure that players experience like they're on an even playing field. We're notwithstanding working on the numbers of course, and I'g certain we'll go along to work on these numbers in post-launch."

Ubisoft hasn't forgotten about hardcore PvP players, those folks who revel in the digital Lord of the Flies that was the original Dark Zone. At endgame, i of the Dark Zones will become the all-new Occupied Nighttime Zone. Within the Occupied DZ, the free-for-all play is dorsum. Normalization is gone, friendly fire is on again. And all the additional status bars and location markers in the lower Dark Zone? Those are gone as well.

"That grouping of people that want that lawlessness was large enough for us to devote resources to give them a place for that peak-tier Dark Zone claiming, both from a PvP standpoint and a PvE standpoint. We really ratchet everything upwardly in the Occupied Dark Zone. So if you want the ultimate challenge, this is the place for y'all. And I empathize it's not going to be for anybody, only nosotros really want to cater to the audition that was first drawn to the temptation of the Night Zone," says Spier.

The handling of Contaminated loot has inverse for the Occupied Dark Zone. First, it'due south rarer than it was in The Division. Second, instead of rolling the stats on Contaminated loot when you pick it upward, they're instead rolled upon extraction. That allows the developer to ensure that gear stats are tailored to the role player getting the item. Contaminated loot from a normal Dark Zone offers stats inside a certain range, while the do good of Occupied DZ gear is that range is smaller.

An extraction in Dark Zone East. | Ubisoft.

With the new Nighttime Zones and their locations on the map, Ubisoft besides has room to expand them in the future. Nighttime Zones Due south, East, and West might look completely dissimilar 2 years downwardly the line because Ubisoft has planned ahead. Spier is chary about committing to what those expansions might expect like though.

"I don't know what's in the cards. If I'thou just exploring that infinite with you, I think that's 1 of the benefits of placing each Dark Zone in the corners of the map. It was very difficult to aggrandize [The Nighttime Zone] in the original game because it was smack dab in the middle. All we could practise is go north. We were surrounded by mission content on all sides. In this case, if we were going to expand it, we have a much easier time considering we have areas that aren't consumed by other content. I think the players will dictate if we make up one's mind to aggrandize," he explains.

There's a stronger focus on PvP play from Ubisoft, including the improved Night Zone and more than structured PVP modes, leading to something that feels a bit less similar an afterthought. I came out of my demo experience actually looking forward to PvP, meaning the sequel is ahead of the original. The Division 2 is already putting forth a more thoughtful approach to the Dark Zone, and I'yard looking forward to that arroyo reaching the community.

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Mike Williams

Reviews Editor

G.H. Williams is new to the journalism game, but he's been a gamer since the NES outset graced American shores. Third-person activeness-adventure games are his personal poison: Uncharted, Infamous, and Assassinator's Creed simply to proper name a few. If you meet him around a convention, he'south not hard to spot: Black guy, glasses, and a tie.


How Does Gear Normalization Work in the Division UPDATED

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